
Teaching activities

Database Systems II

Teaching Assistance – WiSe 23/24, WiSe 22/23, WiSe 21/22

Leibniz University Hannover

The module deepens and expands the lecture “Fundamentals of Database Systems” to include the technical details of query processing and query optimization, indexing, and concepts of distributed databases. Students can manage data and process queries in databases. In addition, they know how these methods are implemented in distributed databases.


  • Physical storage structure
  • Mapping of tuples to blocks
  • Index structures
  • Operation execution
  • Query processing and optimization
  • Parallel processing and parallel databases

This lecture is given by Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan.

Fundamentals of Database Systems

Teaching Assistance – SoSe 22, SoSe 23

Leibniz University Hannover

The module introduces the principles of database models, languages ​​and systems and how to use them. The learning objectives are: - Understand data modeling; create and transform database schemas. - Analyze query and update tasks; create simple to complex statements in the SQL database language. - Explain the semantics of queries in relational algebra. - Know the paradigms of query languages. - Know and understand algorithms for query execution; calculate their costs; understand query optimization. - Know SQL embedding in programming languages; program database applications. - Understand database behavior in multi-user operation; check serializability.


  • Principles of database systems
  • Data modeling: entity-relationship model, relational model
  • Relational query languages: queries in SQL, semantics in relational algebra
  • Query execution and optimization
  • Updates and table definitions in SQL
  • Practical exercise: Database programming in PostgreSQL and JDBC/ODBC
  • Multi-user operation: synchronization of transactions

This lecture is given by Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan.